About Me

My name is Kristin Smith. I specialize in working with clients who have experienced complex trauma to help them find safety in their bodies by re-patterning their nervous system functioning. I have worked as a licensed clinical social worker providing therapy for adolescents in foster care. Also, I have worked for the Emory Behavioral Immunology Program and for the Emory Transplant Center specializing in addiction.

I am a Certified Chi for Two® Embodiment Coach. Chi for Two is a polyvagal-informed multi-generational trauma healing method. I am honored to help people find sustainable ways to live with more presence and connection to their body as a guide to a more meaningful life.

I am passionate about being a part of organizations that focus on collective healing. I am a racial healing circle facilitator with Emory University's Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Initiative. I am on the board for Sober Livers whose mission is to improve the lives of those with alcohol-related liver disease. I am a board member of the Society for the Integration of Spirituality and Psychotherapy whose vision is exploring the common boundary between psychological healing and spiritual growth.

I received a BA in Psychology from Stony Brook University and a MSW from Florida State University. I was born in San Diego and raised in Roswell, GA. Atlanta is where I call home.

"We did not come to remain whole.
We came to lose our leaves like the trees,
Trees that start again."

Robert Bly