My approach uses relational body-based practices that shift nervous system functioning to promote being present instead of continuously searching for ways to distract. I work with individuals and families to help them experience safety in their relationships.
I am trained in Chi for Two® which is a polyvagal-informed healing method that is a distillation of several healing modalities including trauma healing, somatic movement, meditative practices, psychology, and attachment theory. Chi for Two uses invitational language to promote choice to ensure you move at your own pace.
By age five, almost 90% of our brain has developed. It is within infant/parent interactions and multi-generational patterning that our development occurs. The Chi for Two practices (Chi meaning energy and Two meaning relational) help rewire nervous system functioning because they are based on infant/parent symbolic redos.
Working with a Chi for Two trained coach increases Belly-brain awareness (our first brain), expands one's ability to experience presence, and helps to mindfully channel energy and movement.
How are Somatic Approaches Different from Talk Therapy?
Talk therapy tends to focus on talking through issues about how the past is impacting the present. Chi for Two incorporates talking as part our embodiment process but with a more synthesized approach. Chi for Two uses a relational approach to exploring and moving through energy blockages in one’s body that can inform our Head-brain. This invitational method offers developmental somatic practices that promote trauma healing, executive functioning, healthier relationships and eventual self-support.